Email Notifications

Email Notifications for your Nonprofit's Community

We are excited to announce the launch of “Email Notifications” - a feature that was requested by many of our beta testers and early partners.
Email notifications allow for personalized updates directly from our platform. When a post has been made to update the nonprofit’s community, their donors, or their beneficiaries, the notification email will be triggered. See an example of an email template below:

With email notifications, we are able to increase the efficiency of a nonprofit’s communications plan by doing two things at once. Not only will you be creating your “history of giving” for the community’s donors, but you will also be updating them, with personalization, as soon as you hit save within the platform and the post is approved (if using “Approvals”).
There is no longer the need to sort, save, store, and deliver content individually to the donors or community members - which often comes with a lot of manual work. With email notifications, as you are sorting and saving your content within our donor management software, you will also be delivering the content the moment you click save and store the update within your charity membership database.
To learn more about Clarity’s email notifications, you can visit our knowledge article below:
Setting Up Email Notifications for Donor and Beneficiary Updates
Additionally, if you ever have questions about our upcoming releases and product roadmap, feel free to reach out to!